Regional Technical Meeting of BPS for Jawa Barat Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

Regional Technical Meeting of BPS for Jawa Barat Province

Regional Technical Meeting of BPS for Jawa Barat Province

December 22, 2020 | Other Activities

Closing the end of 2020, West Java BPS will hold a virtual 2020 Regional Technical Meeting (Ratekda) on Tuesday (22/12). The activity which took the theme "Increasing Innovation, Performance, and Achievement to Support Bureaucratic Reform Towards BPS West Java is More Flying" was attended by 243 participants consisting of structural officials from Provincial BPS and Regency / City BPS throughout West Java.
Deputy for Production Statistics of BPS, M. Habibullah, directly opened Ratekda's activities this time. In his direction, he explained what ASN BPS must prepare in facing the next normal. Among them is the need for comprehensive reforms to prepare Smart ASN to face world-class bureaucracies in 2024.
In addition to giving awards to Regency / City BPS who excel and inspire during 2020, West Java BPS also invited resource persons to share knowledge about Integrity Zone Development. Those who were asked as speakers were Yudi Agusta (Head of BPS Gianyar Regency, Bali Province) and Bambang Suryanggono (Head of BPS West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province). The material presented by the two sources was urgently needed by West Java BPS to prepare itself to win the title of the WBK / WBBM satker.
The activity which ended on Wednesday (23/12) was also filled with evaluation of West Java BPS activities by sector / division during 2020 as well as coordination of activities in 2021. To maximize the output of this activity, the Head of West Java BPS, Dyah Anugrah Kuswardani, and his staff made one special session "Leaders Hearing". In this session, all Regency / City BPS were given the opportunity to convey their aspirations and hopes to the leadership of the Provincial BPS. This needs to be done so that the Provincial BPS and Regency / City BPS can run in harmony in implementing BPS activities, both technically and administratively.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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