Announcement of the Results of the Recruitment Selection for ST'2023 Processing Officer Candidates - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

Announcement of the Results of the Recruitment Selection for ST'2023 Processing Officer Candidates

Announcement of the Results of the Recruitment Selection for ST'2023 Processing Officer Candidates

June 26, 2023 | Other Activities

Bogor, 26 June 2023 - The results of the selection test stage in the context of recruiting prospective ST2023 processing officers have been passed and carried out well. Considering and paying attention to the results obtained by the selection participants, the recruitment committee decides that the names listed in the announcement below pass and are entitled to become ST2023 processing officers.

Applicants who pass are expected to immediately fulfill the request contained in the announcement letter.

Applicants who pass are considered to have read and understood the contents of the announcement so that mistakes and errors in fulfilling the provisions in the announcement are at the risk and responsibility of the registrant.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota BogorJl. Layungsari III No. 13 Bogor 16132

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