National Workers' Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

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National Workers' Day

National Workers' Day

February 21, 2025 | Other Activities

Hai #SobatData Sampurasun
Did #sobatdata know that February 20 is designated as Indonesian Labor Day?
Indonesian Labor Day is commemorated as a form of appreciation for the dedication and struggle of all workers in Indonesia. Workers are the backbone of the economy, the driving force of industry, and the main pillar in nation building.

In 2024, 59.28 percent will work formally and 40.72 percent will work informally. During the period 2023 to 2024, there was a shift in the activity of the working population from formal to informal by 3.9 percentage points, driven by a high increase and the percentage of workers with worker status assisted by non-permanent/unpaid workers and family workers.
Changes in the economic structure will also change the formal and informal proportions.
In 2026, BPS will hold an Economic Census describing the economic structure, including in Bogor City

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kota BogorJl. Layungsari III No. 13 Bogor 16132

Jawa Barat - IndonesiaE-mail: bps3271@bps.go.idTelp: +62 251 8324579Pelayanan dilakukan selama hari kerja dari jam 08:00-15:00 dan GRATIS


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