In May 2021, Bogor City Experienced Inflation of 0.40 percent While the Combined 7 CPI Cities of West Java Experienced Inflation of 0.38 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

In May 2021, Bogor City Experienced Inflation of 0.40 percent While the Combined 7 CPI Cities of West Java Experienced Inflation of 0.38 percent

Release Date : June 2, 2021
File Size : 2.24 MB


Bogor City experienced inflation in May 2021 of 0.40 percent. Meanwhile, the West Java Composite CPI covering 7 cities, namely Bogor City, Sukabumi City, Bandung City, Cirebon City, Bekasi City, Depok City and Tasikmalaya City experienced an increase in the index. Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 107.37 in April 2021 to 107.78 in May 2021; thus inflation of 0.38 percent occurred. For more details on the following link.
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