August 2023, Bogor Municipality Year on Year (yoy) inflation of 4.03 percent, with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 117.87 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

August 2023, Bogor Municipality Year on Year (yoy) inflation of 4.03 percent, with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 117.87

Release Date : September 1, 2023
File Size : 0.77 MB


In August 2023, Bogor Municipality experienced year on year (yoy) inflation of 4.03 percent
with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 117.87. The highest yoy inflation occurred in
the Transportation expenditure group of 11.05 percent with a CPI of 119.27
and the lowest was in the Information and Communication expenditure group of 0.42 percent
with a CPI of 100.30.
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