Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bogor Municipality by Industry 2016 -2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bogor Municipality by Industry 2016 -2020

Catalog Number : 9302021.3271
Publication Number : 32710.2102
Release Date : April 5, 2021
File Size : 3.68 MB


GRDP of Bogor Municipality by Industry 2016-2020 aims to meet the needs of data users for information in the economic sector, especially the regional economy of the City of Bogor. The data presented in this publication illustrates the macroeconomic performance of Bogor City which includes total GRDP at constant 2010 prices and annual prices, economic growth rate, economic structure, implicit index and per capita income level. This publication presents basic tables that are simple and easy to understand so that data users, both as planners, researchers, and policy makers, can analyze and compare the economic data of Bogor City on an ongoing basis.
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