Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bogor Municipality by Expenditures 2017-2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bogor Municipality

Gross Regional Domestic Product of Bogor Municipality by Expenditures 2017-2021

Catalog Number : 9302020.3271
Publication Number : 32710.2203
Release Date : April 28, 2022
File Size : 2.64 MB


GRDP calculation can be done through three approaches, namely:production/supply approach (GDP by field of business/industry),approach to final expenditure/demand (GRDP by expenditure)and income approach (GRDP by income). The three approachesthe calculation will theoretically produce the same GRDP figure.This publication specifically discusses GRDP according to the approachfinal output/demand. This approach is broken down into several components,namely: Household Consumption Expenditure, Non-Institutional Consumption ExpenditureProfits Serving Households, Government Consumption Expenditures, Investments,Overseas Exports, Foreign Imports, and Inter-Regional Net Exports. GDP datain this publication and subsequent publications use the base year2010, and has implemented the 2008 System of National Accounts concept as described aboverecommended by the United Nations.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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